Update pics from thursday: HERE
Bosco Plaza begins it-8pm, The Low End Band plays in City park later.
There are videos from other years HERE and sam clemons HERE and the end of the march HERE
The event is put on by FIRE. facebook page HERE: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=202009373166391&id=17019173#!/event.php?eid=158867514174902
Bosco Plaza begins it-8pm, The Low End Band plays in City park later.
There are videos from other years HERE and sam clemons HERE and the end of the march HERE
The event is put on by FIRE. facebook page HERE: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=202009373166391&id=17019173#!/event.php?eid=158867514174902
And the link to the event is here: