Thursday, March 26, 2015

April means... Vultures redux

Vultures-- cleaning up after, flying around with a bald red head, eating up the things that need disappearing.
 Gotta love 'em.
Large File click to enlarge
Click here for one short vid  or here for another shortie of Flying.
Photos of vultures are all over this blog, including HERE and HERE

A friend new to Kansas asked me to repost this to get her up to speed on the turkey vulture.

Here is the latest vulture video (not as good as some, but the flying is nice) . I don't think the meal was good. at 34 seconds i thought i saw a yawn, but later was it gagging? glad to share.
click on video twice to watch enlarged.

more close ups click HERE

a spring vid of vultures in a field next door:

close up vulture dancing in the kansa wind:

and your very own vulture poster from me:


If Men
 i use the word as synecdoche,
meaning all Humankind)
would behave as well as good Dogs,
I would be out of a job...

Beauty Dog pic
from the calendar i love  HERE

This is a reproduction of the first post on this blog,

many years ago.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


..." Lent's austerity is interrupted as we solemnly keep a feast in honor of the Annunciation
The Annunciation...commemorates the most sublime moment in the history of time,
 the moment when the Second Divine Person of the most Holy Trinity assumed human nature in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

"Never was there a more entire or humiliating defeat than that which this day befell satan. ... The result of so glorious a triumph is that Mary is to be superior not only to the rebel angels, but to the whole human race, yea, to all the angels of heaven. ..."... More

More here.

The Jesus Question

a human
with the highest reputation
of deep humility, most kindness, amazing forgiveness
teaching love, hope, eternal life.

interesting how this life was so documented.
interesting how many "believe in" people who existed much further back in history,
 living much less documented lives.
Jesus seems to have lived at a fulcrum 
of time; 
Faith vs evidence...
most  history in the western world since his time is quite well documented.
Listen below or click here   Lyrics:
Good Caiaphas, the council waits for you.
The Pharisees and priests are here for you.

Ah gentlemen, you know why we are here.
We've not much time, and quite a problem here
MOB (outside)
Hosanna! Superstar!
Listen to that howling mob of blockheads in the street!
A trick or two with lepers, and the whole town's on its feet.
He is dangerous! MOB (outside) Jesus Christ Superstar!

He is dangerous!
MOB (outside) Tell us that you're who they say you are.
The man is in town right now to whip up some support.
A rabble rousing mission that I think we must abort.
He is dangerous! Jesus Christ Superstar!
He is dangerous!
Look Caiaphas, they're right outside our yard.
Quick Caiaphas, go call the Roman guard.
No, wait! We need a more permanent solution to our problem.
What then to do about Jesus of Nazareth?

Miracle wonderman, hero of fools.
No riots, no army, no fighting, no slogans.

One thing I'll say for him -- Jesus is cool.
We dare not leave him to his own devices.

His half-witted fans will get out of control.
But how can we stop him?
His glamour increases
By leaps every moment; he's top of the poll.

I see bad things arising.
The crowd crown him king; which the Romans would ban.
I see blood and destruction,
Our elimination because of one man.
Blood and destruction because of one man.
Because, because, because of one man.
Our elimination because of one man.
Because, because, because of one, 'cause of one, 'cause of one man.
What then to do about this Jesus-mania?
Now how to we deal with a carpenter king?
Where do we start with a man who is bigger
Than John was when John did his baptism thing?
Fools, you have no perception!
The stake we are gambling are frighteningly high!

We must crush him completely,
So like John before him, this Jesus must die.
For the sake of the nation, this Jesus must die.
Must die, must die, this Jesus must die.
So like John before him, this Jesus must die.
Must die, must die, this Jesus must, Jesus must, Jesus must die!

If  you ever watched the musical or stage version of Jesus Christ, Superstar, you might remember the scene in which the sanhedrin were perplexed about the popularity of Jesus Christ.
Apparently, Lazarus had been raised from the dead in front of buku witnesses; when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem everyone was hailing him.
This was too much!
and this song has kept going through my head this past week,
 although i haven't seen the play or movie for years.
As they grumble together, they sing,
"What then,
to do about Jesus of Nazareth?"
around 2:05 in the youtube they break into this lyric.
2.17: Priest: "(this Jesus brings) No riots, no army, no fighting, no violence..."
Caiphas: "One thing I say for him... Jesus is coool"
I am finding this an interesting question for philosophers and economists alike.

from HERE

Pictures HERE

More HERE and HERE

Thursday, March 19, 2015

If your first sentence was true, that would make two of us :-)

Regarding your statement about Wisdom, "being wise enough..,"; yes that is tricky. Wisdom -or rather the untempered desire for it can certainly lead to a powerful vanity... E.g.,
A book by s.mahowald gives a detailed history regarding the lust for being the "keeper of the secrets", the wisest ones,  the elite---in early jewish history-- that led to gross distortion or destruction of truth and the origins of secretsociety/occult tribes
(Some pages reproduced here

I have learned that
Faith, hope, love are rather more sure ways to the heart of that which is ...just... ineffable! And the fruits of these humble pursuits include wisdom  (perhaps) and many other good things as well.

You music man you.

Love Without Reason .....nuff said

dog pics from the calendar

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gloomy rainy day, the end of winter and the blackbirds song

Someone commented on this video taken years ago to the day,
... and today the environment in the yard is almost exactly the same.

farmers get wisdom.
but by the time the correlations all make sense to them, they die.
Be wise. listen to your farmer friends.

more blackbirds, rusty blackbirds, HERE and blackbirds' song HERE

this is the last gasp of winter, according to the calendar.

i rototilled some new ground for onions and lettuce yesterday, and put in some bibb leteuce starts. if nothing else, the cats will have rabbit...

just kidding! the wabbits are too fast, and the cats getting a wee bit older.

very loud redwinged blackbirds