Who you think you are, be really. Peace Love Compassion Anger Fear Judgment Basket Bucket Honor Crime Rape Integrity Grace DisGrace Selfishness Us Them Mercy Rigidity Now Now Black grey White (What do you think it means to Be Kind To Each Other?) Freedom versus Utopia Good gray Evil Sacred grey Profane Peace gray Fear Asleep grey Awake Violence gray Understanding Pride grey Humility The Art of Rape Sacrifice Innocent Real gray Deception Gift grey Seduction Truth Hope Love
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
I interrupt this Blogcast
to tell you that overseas, between two and three hundred people each day are clicking on this post:
(and keep in mind the internet is often difficult or banned...)
(and keep in mind the internet is often difficult or banned...)
Friday, January 24, 2014
longing to belong
I'm falling harder than I've
ever fell before
I'm falling fast while hoping
I'll land in your arms
'cause all my time is spent here
longing to belong
to you
I dream of circles perfect
eyes within your face
my heart's an open wound that
only you'd replace
and though the moon is rising
can't put your picture down
love can be frightening when you fall
And when the time is right, I
hope that you'll respond
like when the wind gets tired
the ocean becomes calm
I may be dreaming but I'm
longing to belong
to you
Thursday, January 23, 2014
What is ...Life?
Have you pondered the Big Questions yet?
Like, what is all this "Beingness" and
What is Life?
here is a previous post that looks at the question of how we define ourselves as humans. That is, How do we manifest our humanness? What is the culture of ourselves we create?
The Bulls Fight Back: The Disgrace of Bullfighting
Here is a video of a bull at a bullfight, jumping into the crowds, causing panic. It seems strange that
humans, families, want to watch a man (or sadly a woman) stick knives into a bull until it dies.
Putting the past aside, in our modern age it is a DISGRACE that this spectacle is popular.

the Actual video is (hopefully) here: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/38768550#38768550
The Bull was apparently killed afterwards-- FOR NOT PLAYING FAIR!???
well that video seems to be lost-- but just google the phrase Bull jumps into stands or something similar and you can see for yourself.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

What are the ways forced dogfighting with Michael Vick is any different than forced bullfighting?

WHY do we want this activity to partly define us as humans?!
Why do we want to manifest ourselves in this way?
Animal Abuse and Sociopathy part 1 HERE
respect for animal life HERE
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Is Human Life Sacred???
Roe v. Wade was the infamous case in which Norma McCorvey was used as a plaintiff ...to overturn laws restricting abortion in Texas. A decision upholding Texas law was ultimately overturned on appeal by the Supreme Court, which found a heretofore unprecedented “right to privacy” in the so-called “due process clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment. The “Despotic Branch” divined from their “living constitution” that this right entitled a mother to end the life of her baby before its birth. Simultaneous with Roe v. Wade, in Doe v. Bolton, using the plaintiff Sandra Cano, the Supremes determined that any complaint – including headaches – could be used as grounds for requesting an abortion.
Since the decisions in those cases, both McCorvey and Cano have recanted their testimony. Norma McCorvey said plainly, “I think abortion's wrong. I think what I did with Roe v. Wade was wrong,” and she has stood by those words in the years since. from article
next i will post an alternate view.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Nutrition is Medicine
For a great inspiring start to move toward energized health, read this:
or there is always
I was looking up growing this product when i found the above blog:
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Beautiful Bald Eagle Pictures from the Eagle Tree.
Driving by an old tree near my house i always hope for an outline or shadow too big to be a hawk. Today,
my heart beat faster
as the regal eye of a Bald Eagle caught mine.
I have read that making them take off (fly away) costs them a great deal of energy (food) and particularly after this freeze i did not want to risk annoying him/her into flight. So i drove slowly, with the window down, and took some shots quickly, including a little video.
These are big pics so click to view large.
[ By the way, if you "right click" a picture and select "open in new tab" then click the new tab pic again you can get the giant size picture.]
short video at bottom of this post.
Here is what i saw as i approached the tree: do you see it?
bald eagle smile:
Here's more pics of a Stunning Bald Eagle in the eagle tree- i have seen my pictures of this bird on an ad on tv for visiting kansas. I'm glad they liked it. although they never said thank you...
and some lesser photos and more raptors Here and HERE and here is a red tailed hawk juvenile and
here is a large red tailed hawk eating
my heart beat faster
as the regal eye of a Bald Eagle caught mine.
I have read that making them take off (fly away) costs them a great deal of energy (food) and particularly after this freeze i did not want to risk annoying him/her into flight. So i drove slowly, with the window down, and took some shots quickly, including a little video.
These are big pics so click to view large.
[ By the way, if you "right click" a picture and select "open in new tab" then click the new tab pic again you can get the giant size picture.]
short video at bottom of this post.
Here is what i saw as i approached the tree: do you see it?
i left this very large for any who want a big photo:
bald eagle smile:
Here's more pics of a Stunning Bald Eagle in the eagle tree- i have seen my pictures of this bird on an ad on tv for visiting kansas. I'm glad they liked it. although they never said thank you...
and some lesser photos and more raptors Here and HERE and here is a red tailed hawk juvenile and
here is a large red tailed hawk eating
the eagle tree at sunrise
Not Prosecuting Rape: The Daisy Case (and how many others... every week?)
The Kansas City Star Editorial has some good points about The Rape of Daisy Coleman
Read it in full HERE http://www.kansascity.com/2014/01/09/4739648/editorial-lenient-charge-doesnt.html
..."The prosecutor’s decision doesn’t diminish the appalling nature of what happened to two young girls who slipped out of one’s bedroom to meet up with a popular high school athlete and his friends in January 2012. Both girls, then ages 14 and 13, ended up in a hospital the next day. The older girl and her family, especially, faced harassment and bullying from people in town who supported the boys.
"The girl and her family were forced to relocate to another town, and their house in Maryville burned down from a cause never determined.
"Matthew Barnett pleaded guilty Thursday to a misdemeanor charge of child endangerment. He admitted to abandoning the 14-year-old girl outside her home in the cold after having sex with her at his home. He will not face jail time; he was given a four-month suspended sentence and probation.
..."In the case of the 13-year-old girl, a boy who was 15 at the time acknowledged having sex with the girl against her will. He served two weeks in the custody of Missouri’s Division of Youth Services and then returned home for treatment — another outcome that seems lenient.
A third young man was initially charged with felony sexual exploitation for allegedly videotaping a sexual encounter between Barnett and the 14-year-old girl. Prosecutors were unable to locate the recording, however.
In contrast to the prosecutor in Nodaway County, who developed an adversarial relationship with the 14-year-old victim and her mother, Baker made it clear that she thought the girl had been harmed. Baker said her task was to reach a resolution that gave the teenager and her family a sense of justice and enabled her to move on with her life.
Sadly, the victim, now 16, is in a hospital this week after a suicide attempt that her mother said was prompted by cruel postings on social media sites...
The Star Editorial ends with this statement:
"This is a troubling case that has upended a number of lives. The best thing now is to hope for and work toward healing. And parents might look at Maryville as a case study of all that can go wrong when young people underestimate the value of respect — for themselves and for others."
This is a sentiment i have been hearing and reading over and over, week after week, year after year. SPARE ME.
previous posts:
Read it in full HERE http://www.kansascity.com/2014/01/09/4739648/editorial-lenient-charge-doesnt.html
..."The prosecutor’s decision doesn’t diminish the appalling nature of what happened to two young girls who slipped out of one’s bedroom to meet up with a popular high school athlete and his friends in January 2012. Both girls, then ages 14 and 13, ended up in a hospital the next day. The older girl and her family, especially, faced harassment and bullying from people in town who supported the boys.
"The girl and her family were forced to relocate to another town, and their house in Maryville burned down from a cause never determined.
"Matthew Barnett pleaded guilty Thursday to a misdemeanor charge of child endangerment. He admitted to abandoning the 14-year-old girl outside her home in the cold after having sex with her at his home. He will not face jail time; he was given a four-month suspended sentence and probation.
..."In the case of the 13-year-old girl, a boy who was 15 at the time acknowledged having sex with the girl against her will. He served two weeks in the custody of Missouri’s Division of Youth Services and then returned home for treatment — another outcome that seems lenient.
A third young man was initially charged with felony sexual exploitation for allegedly videotaping a sexual encounter between Barnett and the 14-year-old girl. Prosecutors were unable to locate the recording, however.
In contrast to the prosecutor in Nodaway County, who developed an adversarial relationship with the 14-year-old victim and her mother, Baker made it clear that she thought the girl had been harmed. Baker said her task was to reach a resolution that gave the teenager and her family a sense of justice and enabled her to move on with her life.
Sadly, the victim, now 16, is in a hospital this week after a suicide attempt that her mother said was prompted by cruel postings on social media sites...
The Star Editorial ends with this statement:
"This is a troubling case that has upended a number of lives. The best thing now is to hope for and work toward healing. And parents might look at Maryville as a case study of all that can go wrong when young people underestimate the value of respect — for themselves and for others."
This is a sentiment i have been hearing and reading over and over, week after week, year after year. SPARE ME.
Friday, January 10, 2014
The Rape of Daisy
"My mother told me she found me outside, left for dead, and when she heard me trying to get to the door, she thought it was a dog scratching. I was weak and could have died in the below freezing temperatures.
Next thing I knew, I was in the ER getting blood drawn and having various tests done. We all knew what had happened, we just wanted someone else to say it for us. The doctors examined the rape kit and verified that our nightmares were real. This nightmare, though, didn't end. It continued on for many long months. It was only later I learned that my best friend, a year younger than me, had been raped, too."
The Missouri teen at the center of the controversial "Nightmare In Maryville" rape case has revealed new details about the party she wishes never happened, the torment she suffered in her small town and the personal struggle that followed.
In a blog post published on XOJane, Daisy Coleman describes her mother finding her sprawled out on the front lawn, her hair in "icy chunks," and the painful visit to the hospital...
details/ more on Daisy here is my first post
and here and here
Melinda Coleman, right, said her family was harassed on social media sites and at school after going to the authorities, and that it forced the family to move back to Albany, about 40 miles west of Maryville.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/college-student-accused-maryville-rape-case-charged-child-endangerment-article-1.1571171#ixzz2q0vQcgAC
talk about rape: http://marysbeagooddogblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/talk-about-rape-in-public.html
Next thing I knew, I was in the ER getting blood drawn and having various tests done. We all knew what had happened, we just wanted someone else to say it for us. The doctors examined the rape kit and verified that our nightmares were real. This nightmare, though, didn't end. It continued on for many long months. It was only later I learned that my best friend, a year younger than me, had been raped, too."
The Missouri teen at the center of the controversial "Nightmare In Maryville" rape case has revealed new details about the party she wishes never happened, the torment she suffered in her small town and the personal struggle that followed.
In a blog post published on XOJane, Daisy Coleman describes her mother finding her sprawled out on the front lawn, her hair in "icy chunks," and the painful visit to the hospital...
See, there is not enough evidence
to charge the perp with rape
because the plastered 14 year old was passed out
and so cannot testify that she was raped.
And that my friends, is how we deal with rape.
details/ more on Daisy here is my first post
and here and here
updates on the perpetrator HERE http://www.ibtimes.com/maryville-rape-case-5-important-updates-daisy-colemans-sexual-assault-case-1534284
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/college-student-accused-maryville-rape-case-charged-child-endangerment-article-1.1571171#ixzz2q0vQcgAC
talk about rape: http://marysbeagooddogblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/talk-about-rape-in-public.html
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
The Culture is a Soup Thicke with Evil: Robin Thick thinks he’s a good-looking Simon Cowell or Satan? Probably just a minor demon.
[So unless you are
a young man or woman
who is in fact Just Barely a man or woman, that is, no longer a child,
and you
still have not yet gained full access to your brain power but have
your hand in
fact full throttle on an earlier, primary
source of shall we say inspiration which drives your life –
You can see from the “number one” video (global) by Robin
Thicke that
Luciferians and the
lost, the greedy and lascivious, those men who walk about stinking of
territorial pissings and child molestations -- are who is running the show now.
from a young blogger:
Some “got this” after the Miley Cyrus Circus. Some “Got it”
after Beyoncé and Rhianna’s nod to “great horned idol Moloch…
But some “got it” 30 years ago that evil would lead their children down the sexy gardenpath to hell as fast as they let it—and felt
helpless as they were forced to let it
as those in power ignored their pleas for decency, for common
sense, for yes, purity.
Censorship! Bigot! Religious nut!
And as the gate was pushed open all sorts of dark creatures
like the Uruk Hai slimed
No human judgments allowed.
We are reduced to mathematical
purity. Nothing can be banned. Nothing is wrong,
Nothing is disallowed. Freedom of expression!
then it changes. Actually, yes, some things must be disallowed.
Some things are wrong. Some things must be banned.

how long before one is banned from saying they do not approve of Miley’s Child-abuse-masturbation porn?
that We should not have
advertising to our children that he has a big dick (advertising a little too
loudly, one thinkes…)
Censorship! Bigot! Religious nut! Every generation, every century,
every day evil works to pull children from the Light.
Maybe you went through such a trial.
Did you endure growing up in a broth of goodness with some bitter or evil images here and there? Or are you growing up in a soup thicke with evil, of greed and lust and vanity and envy prettied up to look like fame?
The Blurred Lines are blurred so we will not recognize the vapid, carnal, vile and Putrid manifestation of That which despises you..
Did you endure growing up in a broth of goodness with some bitter or evil images here and there? Or are you growing up in a soup thicke with evil, of greed and lust and vanity and envy prettied up to look like fame?
The Blurred Lines are blurred so we will not recognize the vapid, carnal, vile and Putrid manifestation of That which despises you..
what you look at
a lot assimilates into you and suggests what you
are like on the inside
Think about it.
as you walk about manifesting who you are
Manifesting yourself
into the Pool of the Planet.
was not passionatelydefended
in the
public square
as a Noble Right
(A sign of fresh clean
Glorious health)
Once did not
the majority of men
[its vile nature obvious
to men of honor,
Character, intelligence;
good-hearted men &
men who truly love
women ]
Men who truly loved women
(and honor)
were abhorred by it
& Quickly turned away as if from a toxic
[with a prayer if a true Lion-hearted Man
for all
deceived by its malicious web]
Porn Once
did not have a nickname
A warm spot
in the hearts of our
favorite tv
the wolf has
prettied up
its wooly clothing,
calling all into the corral
and is ready to
shut the gate.
We are teaching our young men to be the very worst kind of
superficial. You cannot say, Oh my son withstands all that—that’s like saying
your broth on the stove can withstand the quart of salt I added to it. A mind
once expanded can not return to its original dimensions, it’s true, and but
that also means what has been seen cannot be unseen.
The Culture is a Soup Thicke with Evil: Robin Thick thinks he’s a good-looking Simon Cowell or Satan? Probably just a minor demon.
porn poem
what will this soup produce?
story HERE http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/shock-toddler-video-highlights-americas-cycle-of-violence-and-thuggery-caution-profanity-obscenities-racial-slurs_01082014
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Conjoined Grey Whale Calves: Fukushima Update
This is beyond sorrowful.
Data/Follow Fukushima radiation poisoning in the pacific and around the globe: Here and HERE
This story is truly heartbreaking.
Following continued news of disturbing sea life occurrences off the West Coast, scientists in Mexico’s Scammon’s Lagoon, also known as Laguna Ojo de Liebre, have discovered what appears to be the first ever documented case of conjoined gray whale calves.
"...Although no information has yet been released, concerns over the ongoing Fukushima disaster has many asking questions, especially in light of rare animal deaths spreading along the West Coast.
Incidences such as the ongoing “melting sea star” epidemic, which has been seen off the coast off California, Oregon, Washington and Canada, has yet to be explained as sea stars are found literally disintegrating.
Even with Japanese scientists finding “high” Cesium levels in plankton throughout the Pacific as far back as May 2013, governments continue to call the amounts safe.
A recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the number of dead sea creatures covering the floor of the Pacific is higher than it has ever been since monitoring began 24 years ago. Despite attempts by some to “debunk” the study and blame the occurrence on “global warming,” a closer look at the study clearly points to Fukushima as the most likely factor.
Following the Department of Health and Human Services’ purchase of 14 million doses of potassium iodide last week, many believe the federal government has begun preparing as the situation in Japan worsens.
Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/scientists-discover-conjoined-gray-whale-calves-dying-near-west-coast/#ixzz2pjVfOZ3t
Data/Follow Fukushima radiation poisoning in the pacific and around the globe: Here and HERE
This story is truly heartbreaking.
Following continued news of disturbing sea life occurrences off the West Coast, scientists in Mexico’s Scammon’s Lagoon, also known as Laguna Ojo de Liebre, have discovered what appears to be the first ever documented case of conjoined gray whale calves.
"...Although no information has yet been released, concerns over the ongoing Fukushima disaster has many asking questions, especially in light of rare animal deaths spreading along the West Coast.
Incidences such as the ongoing “melting sea star” epidemic, which has been seen off the coast off California, Oregon, Washington and Canada, has yet to be explained as sea stars are found literally disintegrating.
Even with Japanese scientists finding “high” Cesium levels in plankton throughout the Pacific as far back as May 2013, governments continue to call the amounts safe.
A recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the number of dead sea creatures covering the floor of the Pacific is higher than it has ever been since monitoring began 24 years ago. Despite attempts by some to “debunk” the study and blame the occurrence on “global warming,” a closer look at the study clearly points to Fukushima as the most likely factor.
Following the Department of Health and Human Services’ purchase of 14 million doses of potassium iodide last week, many believe the federal government has begun preparing as the situation in Japan worsens.
Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/scientists-discover-conjoined-gray-whale-calves-dying-near-west-coast/#ixzz2pjVfOZ3t
Monday, January 6, 2014
Auld Lang Syne by Sissel--Beauty to see and hear
the big cats at 4:00--
all the animals here are awesome!
all the animals here are awesome!
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