Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Sunflowers and Life in the Yard: Wrens, Dragonflies with Faces, and WoodChuck?

I LOVE seeing a new animal come ramblin' by. Staying home all day can really be fun.
No wonder people like to retire...

Click pics to enlarge: new 2012 woodchuck video HERE
and close ups HERE


Elongated bent around double face Sunflower

Here is a double face or elongated face sunflower. Cool.

Here is a dragonfly, wren and baby, and butterfly--the simple pleasures of an afternoon off.
Very Tasty too.
just kidding i could not eat even if dipped in chocolate.
Hungry Wren Babe

Wren feeding baby

Dragonfly with a Face
untouched photo

Dragonfly at the Garden

butterfly bush works!

black swallowtail butterfly
Bee with Expression!

Sunflower head with expressive Bee


If you like Mother Nature too,
 try to make a little thicket or plant an extra tree in your yard. 
Let some natural stuff allow there to be some hiding places for the tiny beasts.
You'll always enjoy how nice it is to have animals around.
 And--Then when things get tough, you can eat them.


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